Candy Crush Dreamworld Level 323

Tips for level 323 Dreamworld.
If you work in the bottom 2 squares the candies will fall from the top ones and with luck you will get mini cascades to get more matches.
The top left falls into the bottom right and the top right falls into the bottom left.
Moonstruck is on move 6 and there are 3 moves.
Video below
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The following video is made without boosters.


Anonymous said...

This is a tough level but I was able to do it in <50 tries on my iPad with no boosters or extra moves. I paid close attention for any combinations I could make in any of the boxes and used them only when they didn't cause that owl to fall. I feel this level is a lot of strategy with some luck!

Jennifer said...

Having some issues with this one. I don't feel there are enough moves to get close to finishing.