Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld level 447

How to pass level 447 Dreamworld

You get two moonstrucks in this level. 
First: Starts on move 22 and ends on move 20
Second: Starts on move 2 and ends on move 0
This level may look tough but once you get the hang of it you’ll see it’s much similar than it looks. As you can see from the board, all the jelly is under the thickly-layered meringue. Fortunately, you have the entire top half of the board to help you break into it. Create and use combos as much as you can. Use vertically striped candies to help with the clearing. Once you reach the bottom, the level will become fairly simple.
Video by Jazz

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1 comment:

Hunter MacLean said...

Really weird thing happened to me in this level. When the first moonstruck happened I had a sprinkle bomb and a string candy next to each other. So of course I matched them together expecting big destruction only to find that all striped candy's colors had been zapped! The sparkle bomb sat there for about 1 second and then popped. Nothing happened, hehe.