Candy Crush Dreamworld Level 356

How to pass level 356 Dreamworld
Moonstruck is on move 30 and only one move.
There are more moonstrucks, but not sure where at this time, I will check again as soon as possible
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Anonymous said...

There is also a moonstruck at move 13 for one move.

Ultramum said...

Having a nightmare on this level ... :-(

Anonymous said...

I did this in one try. Go slow and review the board after every move. Moving the candy in the lower right moves all the squares. So just moving the first square will not move the other candies-so make sure if you have a potential stripe make it there then move to the next. Make your next moves to line up the candy you need. If you have three in a row of the same color that is a potential strip, make a move in that row in a lower box to bring the correct candy along.