Candy Crush Dreamworld level 288

How to do level 288 Dreamworld
Moonstruck is on move 26 and there are 5 moves in moonstruck mode.
Not sure if there's a secon one but I'm sure one of you loyal players will let me know.
Video below

Video by Cookie
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Anonymous said...

I used a color bomb/wrap combo just before the moonstruck to clear out a lot of the cream. Then once the board was clear, it was easier to make color bombs, which alowed me to pick off the colors below the fruits to drop them out.


Unknown said...

Dreamworld Level 288 I can not figure out how you get the fruit to drop? Can anyone help me. I get them as far as the bottom of the first set of candies but not to the single line below where they need to go to finish. I can see there are highlighted areas under them but can't figure it out. Thanks for your help.